Aldnoah.Zero (2014)

2014 - 2015
Top rated episodes:
- S1E12 - Childhood's End (8)
- S1E11 - Wind, Snow and Stars (7.8)
- S1E7 - The Boys of Earth (7.7)
Lowest rated episodes:
- S2E1 - This Side of Paradise (6.3)
- S2E8 - The Light of Day (6.7)
- S1E10 - Before the War (6.9)
Seasons rating
S1 - 7.46
S2 - 7.01
Season: 2
Episodes: 24
Episodes: 24
First episode out: 2014-07-05
Last episode out: 2015-03-28
Last episode out: 2015-03-28