Classroom of the Elite (2017)

2017 - ahora
Episodios mejor valorados:
- S2E12 - Force without wisdom falls of its own weight (9.6)
- S1E12 - Genius Lives Only One Story Above Madness. (9)
- S3E8 - Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. (9)
Episodios peor valorados:
- S1E7 - Nothing Is as Dangerous as an Ignorant Friend; a Wise Enemy Is to Be Preferred. (6.4)
- S2E2 - There Are Two Main Human Sins from Which All the Others Derive: Impatience and Indolence (6.9)
- S1E4 - We Should Not Be Upset That Others Hide the Truth from Us, When We Hide It So Often from Ourselves. (7)
Clasificación de temporadas
S1 - 7.43
S2 - 7.9
S3 - 7.95
Temporada: 3
Episodios: 39
Episodios: 39
Primer episodio emitido: 2017-07-12
Último episodio emitido: 2024-03-27
Último episodio emitido: 2024-03-27